Mantine - The Full Stack Component Library

Over the past few years I've experimented with many different solutions that might allow me to avoid CSS entirely when I'm building sites. I've tried more than a few including; SemanticUI, Bulma, Bootstrap, Chakra-UI and MaterialUI though, so far I've been unable to find one that provides matching components for all my use cases.

This is where Mantine comes in. It has an extensive list of packages that provide useful addon features to any site using it. For example, a carousel component, Dropzones and even a fully-featured Rich-Text-Editor.

Another great thing about it is how many useful hooks it provides to enable more advanced UI features and better responsiveness for different screen sizes.

Given that recently the codebase for this site has become a lot smaller as a result of it's move to Remix I'm looking forward to experimenting a lot more and Mantine seems like the perfect UI framework for it.